Picture of buttons with your own hands. Master class

This picture of buttons can not only decorate your wall in the house or nursery, but also become a great gift for friends. Such decoration can be done together with the child, because the process of manufacturing develops fine motor skills, perseverance, coordination of movements and imagination.
So, for making picture of buttons with your own hands, you will need:
- Pencil
- Scissors
- Paint brush
- Buttons of crimson color (of different sizes)
- Buttons of light beige color (different size)
- Photo frame
- Matt acrylic paint
- Piece of burlap (size under photo frame)
- White paper for template
- Glue gun or super-glue
- Rhinestones (optional)
Turn-based instruction for making picture of buttons:
1. Prepare your work space. Take a white sheet of paper and draw on it the ice cream in the cone. Cut it with scissors.
2. Next we’ll work with the frame. Paint it in white color matte acrylic paint.
3. Cut out with the scissors rectangle from the burlap. The size of the rectangle must match the frame size.
The sack will be be tautened on cardboard, and the resulting “canvas”-inserted into the frame. Therefore we advise you to add the indents from all sides up to 5 cm before cutting the burlap.
4. Smear the paper ice cream template with glue and attach it to the sackcloth diagonally.
5. Next we proceed to gluing buttons. Spread the beige buttons on the wafer cup template and pink buttons on the ice cream template.
6. The finished version of the resulting picture can be additionally decorated with rhinestones and cherie.
Your original picture of buttons is ready!
No less original is a picture of paper anda pictureof beans.