In order to make such an original picture from the beans, we need:


  • Watercolor or acrylic paints (white and black)
  • Glue gun
  • Brush
  • Pencil


  • Beans (white and black)
  • Rectangle of plywood (same size with frame)
  • Frame
  • Glue stick for glue gun


1. To start, take the frame of plywood and with the help of hot glue glue it to a rectangular sheet of plywood.

2. Take a pencil and draw a drawing

Painting with own hands

3. Take the paints and color the picture, as in the photo. It is necessary that after the decoration of the beans there were no gaps

Handmade paintings with own hands

4. Waiting for the picture to dry, take a glue gun and begin to decorate the painting by beans


Panno of Beans

That’s all! Painting with own hands is ready. Enjoy the result!

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