Are you looking to make a paper craft? Looking for some creative and fun ways to spend your free time? Check out our collection of paper craft! From origami to paper patterns to scrapbooking, we have something for everyone in this gallery.

Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, our collection of crafts is sure to keep you entertained and busy! So take a look and find something that catches your eye!

Well, let’s go through step by step how to make the first version of the paper craft.

Paper Craft #1

Step 1

Take a square piece of paper (10*10 cm or 15*15 cm) and fold it diagonally.

paper craft - first step

Paper Craft – Step 2

Fold the sheet as shown in the video.

Fold the sheet - step 2

Step 3

Forming an element for crafts.

Forming an element for crafts - step 3

Step 4

Arrange the elements as shown below.

Arrange the elements


Enjoying the result 🙂

paper craft final result - Paper Craft Tutorials

Now, let’s take a closer look at the second version of the craft.

Paper Craft #2

1. Drawing the base for our fan

You can set the size and scale yourself. Just act with imagination.

Drawing the base for our fan - step 1

2. Painting our paper craft

Paint our base with coloured markers or pencils.

Painting our paper craft

3. Paper bearing

Prepare the paper bearing as shown in the video.

Paper bearing - step 3

4. Inserting the paper bearing into the fan

Inserting the paper bearing into the fan

5. Glue the propeller to the paper bearing

Glue the propeller to the paper bearing

6. Making a rotation mechanism

Making a rotation mechanism

7. Glue the outer grille of the fan

Glue the outer grille of the fan

Paper Craft #3

paper craft #4

Well, let’s do it)

1. Make an element of craft

Make an element of our craft by folding a sheet, as shown in the video.

Make an element of paper craft

2. Join the two pieces together

Join the two pieces together

3. Add other elements in the same way

Add other elements in the same way

4. Put everything together and join together

Put everything together and join together

5. Enjoy the result!

paper craft #4 - Diy Moving Paper Toys

Paper Craft #4

paper craft #3

1. Fold a sheet of paper and cut it off

Paper size will depend on how big you want the craft. The main thing is that the sheet of paper is square. For this craft, you can use 15cm x 15cm double-sided origami paper or another size of your choice.

Fold a sheet of paper and cut it off

2. Fold our paper blank several times

Fold our paper blank several times

3. Putting everything together

Make 5 of these blanks

Putting everything together

4. Put all the blanks together

Put all the blanks together

5. Wrap a piece of paper around the base of the paper fan

Wrap a piece of paper around the base of the paper fan

6. Put the thread in the fan and wrap it in a piece of paper

Put the thread in the fan and wrap it in a piece of paper


paper craft #3 - step 7


paper craft #3 - step 8

9. Glue the rest of the elements together

Glue the rest of the elements together

Paper Craft #5

paper craft #5

1. Glue strips of paper, as shown in the video

Glue strips of paper, as shown in the video

2. Place the workpiece on the tube and glue the top

Place the workpiece on the tube and glue the top

How interesting it is to collect your collection of paper animals. Let’s see how to do it.



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