Origami box with lid

In order not to spend time in search of gift wrapping, you can easily make origami box with lid with your own hands. In such a box is easy to pack a gift and it looks no less original than the purchase package.
So, to create a box of origami with your own hands, you will need:
- Scissors
- Ruler
- Pencil
- Two square sheets of paper (one must be smaller than the other for 2-3 mm)
- Ribbon for decoration (optional)
Turn-based instruction for making origami box with lid:
1. Take a square sheet of paper (let’s start with greater). Use the pencil and ruler to swipe two diagonal lines.
2. Bend the bottom right corner to the center.
3. Then the same part bend again to the center.
4. Straighten the workpiece.
5. Do the same with the other corners of the box: each corner is double-fold to the center and straighten.
6. Make with scissors two slits in the top and bottom parts of the workpiece.
7. The free lateral parts (right and left) bend to the center.
8. At the level of the bottom make the bends, which form the walls of the box.
9. The upper and lower walls bend inside.
10. On top of the walls, bend inside the remaining sides of the box.
As a result, we should get such a box. This is the bottom of the package.
11. To create the top of the box, use the same scheme and make similar steps with the second sheet of paper.
12. Connect two parts together.
You’ve did wonderful origami box with lid!
Optionally, decorate the finished box with a ribbon, a surround bow, rhinestones or attach a note to it with your best wishes.
Such origami boxes can serve not only for packing gifts. You can put in them the different household things.
Also you will be interested to know how to make such paper gift box.