Such candlesticks from jars and salt look very beautiful and can make the atmosphere in the apartment more comfortable and cozy. Making them at home is easy and it will not take long.

So, for making candlesticks with your own hands you will need:


  • Brush for glu


  • Glass jar
  • Sea salt
  • Glue PVA
  • Shallow container for sea salt
  • Lacquer
  • Food dye
  • Sparkles


1. Wash clean the jar and gently smear it from all sides with glue.

Candlestick of the jar with your own hands

2. Take a shallow container, pour there sea salt and roll the jar from all sides so that nowhere left missing places. If you have a large salt, then before use try to grind it as much as possible.

How to make a candlestick with your own hands

3. To give the candlestick a more refined look, color the sea salt with any food dye or mix with sequins.

Candle holders with their hands photo

4. Leave the product for a few hours for drying. Next, take any varnish-spray and cover your decorated jar with three layers.

Your candlestick is ready! It remains only to insert in the middle of a candle and to enjoy a cozy atmosphere.

Candle holders with your own hands

See also other variants for making candlesticks with your own hands

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